/* * Sun Public License Notice * * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at * http://www.sun.com/ * * The Original Code is Forte for Java, Community Edition. The Initial * Developer of the Original Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions * Copyright 1997-2000 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ package org.openide.loaders; import java.awt.datatransfer.DataFlavor; import java.awt.datatransfer.Transferable; import java.beans.*; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.ObjectInputStream; import java.io.ObjectOutputStream; import java.io.Serializable; import java.lang.ref.*; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent; import org.openide.TopManager; import org.openide.NotifyDescriptor; import org.openide.util.datatransfer.*; import org.openide.cookies.*; import org.openide.filesystems.*; import org.openide.actions.ReorderAction; import org.openide.util.HelpCtx; import org.openide.nodes.*; import org.openide.util.enum.QueueEnumeration; import org.openide.util.enum.SequenceEnumeration; import org.openide.util.enum.RemoveDuplicatesEnumeration; import org.openide.util.enum.ArrayEnumeration; import org.openide.util.NbBundle; import org.openide.util.WeakListener; import org.openide.util.RequestProcessor; import org.openide.util.Utilities; /** A folder containing data objects. * Is actually itself a data object, whose primary (and only) file object * is a file folder. * <p>Has special support for determining the sorting of the folder, * or even explicit ordering of the children. * * @author Jaroslav Tulach, Petr Hamernik */ public class DataFolder extends DataObject implements Serializable { /** generated Serialized Version UID */ static final long serialVersionUID = -8244904281845488751L; /** Name of property that holds children of this node. */ public static final String PROP_CHILDREN = "children"; // NOI18N /** Name of property which decides sorting mode. */ public static final String PROP_SORT_MODE = "sortMode"; // NOI18N /** name of extended attribute for order of children */ private static final String EA_ORDER = "OpenIDE-Folder-Order"; // NOI18N /** name of extended attribute for order of children */ private static final String EA_SORT_MODE = "OpenIDE-Folder-SortMode"; // NOI18N /** Name of property for order of children. */ public static final String PROP_ORDER = "order"; // NOI18N /** Name of set with sorting options. */ public static final String SET_SORTING = "sorting"; // NOI18N /** Icon resource string for folder node */ static final String FOLDER_ICON_BASE = "/org/openide/resources/defaultFolder"; // NOI18N /** name of a shadow file for a root */ private static final String ROOT_SHADOW_NAME = "Root"; // NOI18N /** listener that contains array of children * Also represents the folder as the node delegate. */ private FolderList list; /** Sort mode for the folder Reference (SortMode) */ private Reference sortMode = new WeakReference (null); /** a reference to hold softly the order for this folder */ private Reference order = new WeakReference (null); /** Create a data folder from a folder file object. * @param fo file folder to work on * @exception DataObjectExistsException if there is one already * @exception IllegalArgumentException if <code>fo</code> is not folder */ public DataFolder (FileObject fo) throws DataObjectExistsException, IllegalArgumentException { this(fo, DataLoaderPool.getFolderLoader ()); } /** Create a data folder from a folder file object. * @param fo file folder to work on * @param loader data loader for this data object * @exception DataObjectExistsException if there is one already * @exception IllegalArgumentException if <code>fo</code> is not folder */ protected DataFolder (FileObject fo, DataLoader loader) throws DataObjectExistsException, IllegalArgumentException { this (fo, loader, true); } /** Create a data folder from a folder file object. * @param fo file folder to work on * @param loader data loader for this data object * @exception DataObjectExistsException if there is one already * @exception IllegalArgumentException if <code>fo</code> is not folder */ private DataFolder (FileObject fo, DataLoader loader, boolean attach) throws DataObjectExistsException, IllegalArgumentException { super (fo, loader); if (!fo.isFolder ()) { // not folder => throw an exception new IllegalArgumentException (); } // creates object that handles all elements in array and // assignes it to the list = new FolderList (this, attach); } /** Helper method to find or create a folder of a given path. * Tries to find such a subfolder, or creates it if it needs to. * * @param folder the folder to start in * @param name a subfolder path (e.g. <code>com/mycom/testfolder</code>) * @return a folder with the given name * @exception IOException if the I/O fails */ public static DataFolder create (DataFolder folder, String name) throws IOException { return DataFolder.findFolder (FileUtil.createFolder (folder.getPrimaryFile (), name)); } /** Set the sort mode for the folder. * @param mode an constant from {@link DataFolder.SortMode} * @exception IOException if the mode cannot be set */ public synchronized final void setSortMode (SortMode mode) throws IOException { SortMode old = getSortMode (); // store the mode to properties mode.write (this); sortMode = new WeakReference (mode); Order ord = getOrder (); // first of all use order, then the comparator ord.setComparator (mode); list.changeComparator (); firePropertyChange (PROP_SORT_MODE, old, sortMode); } /** Getter for comparator. Accessed from FolderChildren. */ final Comparator getComparator () { return getOrder (); } /** Get the sort mode of the folder. * @return the sort mode */ public final SortMode getSortMode () { SortMode sm = (SortMode)sortMode.get (); if (sm == null) { sm = SortMode.read (this); sortMode = new WeakReference (sm); } return sm; } /** Set the order of the children. * The provided array defines * the order of some children for the folder. Such children * will be returned at the beginning of the array returned from * {@link #getChildren}. If there are any other children, they * will be appended to the array. * * @param arr array of data objects (children of this * folder) to define the order; or <code>null</code> if any particular ordering should * be cancelled * * @exception IOException if the order cannot be set * */ public synchronized final void setOrder (DataObject[] arr) throws IOException { Order ord = arr == null ? new Order () : new Order (this, arr); // write the order ord.write (); order = new WeakReference (ord); // adds the order before the comparator ord.setComparator (getSortMode ()); list.changeComparator (); firePropertyChange (PROP_ORDER, null, null); } /** Getter for order object. * @return order of children */ private Order getOrder () { Order o = (Order)order.get (); if (o == null) { o = Order.createFor (this); o.setComparator (getSortMode ()); order = new WeakReference (o); } return o; } /** Get the children of this folder. * @return array of children */ public DataObject[] getChildren () { return list.getChildren (); } /** Getter for list of children. * @param filter filter to notify about addition of new objects */ final ArrayList getChildrenList () { return list.getChildrenList (); } /** Computes list of children asynchronously * @param l listener to notify about the progress * @return task that will handle the computation */ final RequestProcessor.Task computeChildrenList (FolderListListener l) { return list.computeChildrenList (l); } /** Refreshes the list of children. Called when a child data object is * disposed. */ final void refresh () { list.refresh (); } /** Method that allows FolderList to fire info about change of * objects */ final void fireChildrenChange (ArrayList add, ArrayList removed) { if (!add.isEmpty() || !removed.isEmpty()) { firePropertyChange (PROP_CHILDREN, null, null); } } /** Get enumeration of children of this folder. * @return enumeration of {@link DataObject}s */ public Enumeration children () { return Collections.enumeration (getChildrenList ()); } /** Adds a {@link CompilerCookie compilation cookie}. */ public Node.Cookie getCookie (Class cookie) { // is somebody asking for folder compiler? if (CompilerCookie.class.isAssignableFrom (cookie)) { DataFolderCompiler c = new DataFolderCompiler (this, cookie); if (cookie.isInstance (c)) { return c; } // else go on, folder compiler does not implement such cookie } // does anybody wants to reorder folder? if (org.openide.nodes.Index.class.isAssignableFrom(cookie)) { return new Index(this); } // end testing return super.getCookie (cookie); } /** Create node representative for this folder. */ protected synchronized Node createNodeDelegate () { return new FolderNode (); } /** This method allows DataFolder to filter its nodes. * * @param filter filter for subdata objects * @return the node delegate (without parent) for this data object */ final Node getClonedNodeDelegate (DataFilter filter) { // creates normal node and filters its children Node n = getNodeDelegate (); return new FilterNode (n, createNodeChildren (filter)); } /** Support method to obtain a children object that * can be added to any {@link Node}. The provided filter can be * used to exclude some objects from the list. * * @param filter filter of data objects * @return children object representing content of this folder */ public final Children createNodeChildren (DataFilter filter) { return new FolderChildren (this, filter); } /* Getter for delete action. * @return true if the object can be deleted */ public boolean isDeleteAllowed () { return isRenameAllowed (); } /* Getter for copy action. * @return true if the object can be copied */ public boolean isCopyAllowed () { return true; } /* Getter for move action. * @return true if the object can be moved */ public boolean isMoveAllowed () { return isRenameAllowed (); } /* Getter for rename action. * @return true if the object can be renamed */ public boolean isRenameAllowed () { FileObject fo = getPrimaryFile (); return !fo.isRoot() && !fo.isReadOnly (); } /* Help context for this object. * @return help context */ public HelpCtx getHelpCtx () { return new HelpCtx (DataFolder.class); } /** Create a folder for a specified file object. * @param fo file object * @return folder for the file object * @exception IllegalArgumentException if the file object is not folder */ public static DataFolder findFolder (FileObject fo) { try { return (DataFolder)DataObject.find (fo); } catch (ClassCastException ex) { } catch (DataObjectNotFoundException ex) { } // either fo is not data folder or // has been recognized by something else => system is bad throw new IllegalArgumentException (); } /** Copy this object to a folder. * The copy of the object is required to * be deletable and movable. * * @param f the folder to copy object to * @exception IOException if something went wrong * @return the new object */ protected DataObject handleCopy (DataFolder f) throws IOException { String name = getPrimaryFile ().getName (); // Fix 4513 name = FileUtil.findFreeFolderName (f.getPrimaryFile (), name); FileObject newFile = FileUtil.createFolder (f.getPrimaryFile (), name); DataFolder newFolder; try { newFolder = new DataFolder (newFile); } catch (DataObjectExistsException ex) { if (ex.getDataObject() instanceof DataFolder) { newFolder = (DataFolder)ex.getDataObject (); } else { throw ex; } } Enumeration en = children (); while (en.hasMoreElements ()) { try { DataObject obj = (DataObject)en.nextElement (); obj.copy (newFolder); } catch (IOException ex) { TopManager.getDefault ().notifyException (ex); } } try { FileUtil.copyAttributes (getPrimaryFile (), newFile); } catch (IOException ioe) { TopManager.getDefault ().notifyException (ioe); } return newFolder; } /* Deals with deleting of the object. Must be overriden in children. * @exception IOException if an error occures */ protected void handleDelete () throws IOException { FileObject fo = getPrimaryFile (); FileLock lock = fo.lock (); try { Enumeration en = children (); while (en.hasMoreElements ()) { try { DataObject obj = (DataObject)en.nextElement (); if (obj.isValid ()) { obj.delete (); } } catch (IOException ex) { TopManager.getDefault ().notifyException (ex); } } fo.delete (lock); } finally { lock.releaseLock (); } } /* Handles renaming of the object. * Must be overriden in children. * * @param name name to rename the object to * @return new primary file of the object * @exception IOException if an error occures */ protected FileObject handleRename (String name) throws IOException { FileObject fo = getPrimaryFile (); FileLock lock = fo.lock (); try { fo.rename (lock, name, null); } finally { lock.releaseLock (); } return fo; } /* Handles move of the object. Must be overriden in children. * * @param df target data folder * @return new primary file of the object * @exception IOException if an error occures */ protected FileObject handleMove (DataFolder df) throws IOException { FileObject fo = getPrimaryFile (); FileLock lock = fo.lock (); DataFolder newFolder = null; try { String name = getPrimaryFile ().getName (); name = FileUtil.findFreeFolderName (df.getPrimaryFile (), name); FileObject newFile = df.getPrimaryFile ().createFolder (name); // temporary folder for moving into newFolder = new DataFolder (newFile); Enumeration en = children (); while (en.hasMoreElements ()) { try { DataObject obj = (DataObject)en.nextElement (); obj.move (newFolder); } catch (IOException ex) { TopManager.getDefault ().notifyException (ex); } } try { FileUtil.copyAttributes (fo, newFile); } catch (IOException ioe) { TopManager.getDefault ().notifyException (ioe); } fo.delete (lock); // disposes temporary folder and places itself instead of it newFolder.dispose (); newFolder.list.reassign(this); list = newFolder.list; // changes primary file of this folder to the new folder return newFile; } catch (IOException e) { if (newFolder != null) { /* in the case there would be the new folder - with a FolderList. * The FolderList is without a FileChangeListener!!! */ newFolder.list.reassign(newFolder); } throw e; } finally { lock.releaseLock (); } } /* Creates new object from template. * @param f folder to create object in * @return new data object * @exception IOException if an error occured */ protected DataObject handleCreateFromTemplate ( DataFolder f, String name ) throws IOException { if (name == null) name = getPrimaryFile ().getName (); FileObject newFile = f.getPrimaryFile ().createFolder (name); DataFolder newFolder = new DataFolder (newFile); Enumeration en = children (); while (en.hasMoreElements ()) { try { DataObject obj = (DataObject)en.nextElement (); obj.copy (newFolder); } catch (IOException ex) { TopManager.getDefault ().notifyException (ex); } } try { FileUtil.copyAttributes (getPrimaryFile (), newFile); } catch (IOException ioe) { TopManager.getDefault ().notifyException (ioe); } DataObject.setTemplate (newFile, false); return newFolder; } /** Creates shadow for this object in specified folder (overridable in subclasses). * <p>The default * implementation creates a reference data shadow and pastes it into * the specified folder. * * @param f the folder to create a shortcut in * @return the shadow */ protected DataShadow handleCreateShadow (DataFolder f) throws IOException { String name; if (getPrimaryFile ().isRoot ()) { name = FileUtil.findFreeFileName ( f.getPrimaryFile (), ROOT_SHADOW_NAME, DataShadow.SHADOW_EXTENSION ); } else { name = null; } return DataShadow.create (f, name, this); } /** Support for index cookie for folder nodes. */ public static class Index extends org.openide.nodes.Index.Support { /** Asociated data folder */ private DataFolder df; /** node to be associated with */ private Node node; /** change listener */ private Listener listener; /** Create an index cookie associated with a data folder. * @param df the data folder */ public Index(final DataFolder df) { this (df, df.getNodeDelegate ()); } /** Create an index cookie associated with a data folder. * @param df the data folder * @param node node to be associated with. subnodes of this node will be returned, etc. */ public Index(final DataFolder df, Node node) { this.df = df; this.node = node; listener = new Listener (); node.addNodeListener (WeakListener.node (listener, node)); } /* Returns the index of given node. * @param node Node to find index of. * @return Index of the node, -1 if no such node was found. */ public int indexOf (final Node node) { Node[] nodes = getNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { if (node.equals (nodes[i])) return i; } // not found return -1; } /* Returns count of the nodes. */ public int getNodesCount () { return node.getChildren().getNodesCount(); } /* Returns array of subnodes * @return array of subnodes */ public Node[] getNodes () { return node.getChildren().getNodes(); } /* Reorders all children with given permutation. * @param perm permutation with the length of current nodes * @exception IllegalArgumentException if the perm is not * valid permutation */ public void reorder (int[] perm) { // testing /*System.out.println ("Permutation: "); for (int i = 0; i < perm.length; i++) { System.out.println ("From " + i + " to " + perm[i]); }*/ DataObject[] curObjs = df.getChildren(); //testing /* System.out.println ("Folder children: "); for (int i = 0; i < curObjs.length; i++) { System.out.println (i + " " + curObjs[i].toString()); } */ DataObject[] newObjs = new DataObject[curObjs.length]; // permute data objects int targetIndex; for (int i = 0; i < curObjs.length; i++) { targetIndex = perm[i]; if (newObjs[targetIndex] != null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad input permutation"); // NOI18N newObjs[targetIndex] = curObjs[i]; } try { df.setOrder(newObjs); } catch (java.io.IOException ex) { TopManager.getDefault().notify( new NotifyDescriptor.Exception(ex, DataObject.getString("EXC_ReorderFailed"))); } } /* Invokes a dialog for reordering subnodes. */ public void reorder () { IndexedCustomizer ic = new IndexedCustomizer(); ic.setObject(this); // turn off immediate reorder so that children are reordered // at once when closing the dialog ic.setImmediateReorder(false); ic.show(); } /** Fires notification about reordering to all * registered listeners. */ void fireChangeEventAccess () { fireChangeEvent (new ChangeEvent (this)); } /** Listener to change of children of the folder. */ private final class Listener extends Object implements NodeListener { /** Change of children? */ public void propertyChange (PropertyChangeEvent ev) { } /** Fired when the node is deleted. * @param ev event describing the node */ public void nodeDestroyed(NodeEvent ev) { } /** Fired when the order of children is changed. * @param ev event describing the change */ public void childrenReordered(NodeReorderEvent ev) { fireChangeEventAccess (); } /** Fired when a set of children is removed. * @param ev event describing the action */ public void childrenRemoved(NodeMemberEvent ev) { fireChangeEventAccess (); } /** Fired when a set of new children is added. * @param ev event describing the action */ public void childrenAdded(NodeMemberEvent ev) { fireChangeEventAccess (); } } // end of Listener } // end of Index inner class /** Type-safe enumeration of sort modes for data folders. */ public abstract static class SortMode extends Object implements Comparator { /** Objects are unsorted. */ public static final SortMode NONE = new FolderComparator (FolderComparator.NONE); /** Objects are sorted by their names. */ public static final SortMode NAMES = new FolderComparator (FolderComparator.NAMES); /** Objects are sorted by their types and then by names. */ public static final SortMode CLASS = new FolderComparator (FolderComparator.CLASS); /** Folders go first (sorted by name) followed by non-folder * objects sorted by name. */ public static final SortMode FOLDER_NAMES = new FolderComparator (FolderComparator.FOLDER_NAMES); /** Method to write the sort mode to a folder's attributes. * @param folder folder write this mode to */ void write (DataFolder f) throws IOException { if (f.getPrimaryFile ().getFileSystem ().isReadOnly ()) return; // cannot write to read-only FS String x; if (this == FOLDER_NAMES) x = null; else if (this == NAMES) x = "N"; // NOI18N else if (this == CLASS) x = "C"; // NOI18N else x = "O"; // NOI18N f.getPrimaryFile ().setAttribute (EA_SORT_MODE, x); } /** Reads sort mode for given folder. */ static SortMode read (DataFolder f) { String x = (String)f.getPrimaryFile ().getAttribute (EA_SORT_MODE); if (x == null || x.length () != 1) return FOLDER_NAMES; char c = x.charAt (0); switch (c) { case 'N': return NAMES; case 'C': return CLASS; default: return NONE; } } } /** Class that represents order of child data objects. */ private static final class Order extends Object implements Comparator { /** map of primary files of objects to their index (FileObject, Integer) * @associates Integer*/ private HashMap order; /** comparator to use when comparing files not in the map */ private transient Comparator comp; /** file to store data in */ private FileObject folder; /** Constructor. * @param folder the folder to create order for * @param arr array that defines the order */ public Order (DataFolder folder, DataObject[] arr) { order = new HashMap (arr.length); // each object only once RemoveDuplicatesEnumeration en = new RemoveDuplicatesEnumeration ( new ArrayEnumeration (arr) ); int i = 0; while (en.hasMoreElements ()) { DataObject obj = (DataObject)en.nextElement (); if (obj.getFolder () == folder) { // object for my folder FileObject fo = obj.getPrimaryFile (); order.put (fo, new Integer (i++)); } } this.folder = folder.getPrimaryFile (); } /** Constructor. * @param s set with ordering */ private Order (HashMap s) { order = s; } /** Constructs empty order. */ public Order () { order = new HashMap (1); } /** Sets the right comparator. */ void setComparator (Comparator c) { comp = c; } /** Compares two data object or two nodes. */ public int compare (Object o1, Object o2) { DataObject obj1; DataObject obj2; if (o1 instanceof Node) { obj1 = (DataObject)((Node)o1).getCookie (DataObject.class); obj2 = (DataObject)((Node)o2).getCookie (DataObject.class); } else { obj1 = (DataObject)o1; obj2 = (DataObject)o2; } Integer i1 = (Integer)order.get (obj1.getPrimaryFile ()); Integer i2 = (Integer)order.get (obj2.getPrimaryFile ()); if (i1 == null) { if (i2 != null) return 1; // compare by the provided comparator return comp.compare (obj1, obj2); } else { if (i2 == null) return -1; // compare integers if (i1.intValue () == i2.intValue ()) return 0; if (i1.intValue () < i2.intValue ()) return -1; return 1; } } /** Stores the order to files. */ public void write () throws IOException { write (false); } /** Clears an order. */ public void clear () throws IOException { write (true); } /** Stores the order to files. * @param clear true if we should only clear the order */ private void write (boolean clear) throws IOException { if (folder.getFileSystem ().isReadOnly ()) return; // cannot write to read-only FS //System.out.println ("Writing order, clear? " + clear); // NOI18N if (clear || order.isEmpty ()) { // if we should clear the object or the order is empty folder.setAttribute (EA_ORDER, null); } else { java.util.Iterator it = order.entrySet ().iterator (); int size = order.size (); String[] names = new String[size]; String[] exts = new String[size]; while (it.hasNext ()) { Map.Entry en = (Map.Entry)it.next (); FileObject fo = (FileObject)en.getKey (); int indx = ((Integer)en.getValue ()).intValue (); names[indx] = fo.getName (); exts[indx] = fo.getExt (); } folder.setAttribute (EA_ORDER, new String[][] { names, exts }); } } /** Creates order for given folder object. * @param f the folder * @return the order */ public static Order createFor (DataFolder f) { FileObject folder = f.getPrimaryFile (); String[][] namesExts = (String[][])folder.getAttribute (EA_ORDER); if (namesExts == null) { // empty order return new Order (); } String[] names = namesExts[0]; String[] exts = namesExts[1]; if (names == null || exts == null || names.length != exts.length) { // empty order return new Order (); } HashMap set = new HashMap (names.length); for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { FileObject fo = folder.getFileObject (names[i], exts[i]); if (fo != null) { // found set.put (fo, new Integer (i)); } } return new Order (set); } } /** Node for a folder. */ public class FolderNode extends DataNode { /** Create a folder node with some children. * @param ch children to use for the node */ public FolderNode (Children ch) { super (DataFolder.this, ch); setIconBase(FOLDER_ICON_BASE); } /** Create a folder node with default folder children. */ protected FolderNode () { super (DataFolder.this, new FolderChildren (DataFolder.this)); setIconBase(FOLDER_ICON_BASE); } /** Renames the folder, but forbids names with a space. * @param folderName name to rename folder to * @exception IllegalArgumentException if the name is not valid */ public void setName (String folderName) { if (!Utilities.isJavaIdentifier (folderName)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException ( java.text.MessageFormat.format (DataObject.getString("EXC_WrongName"), new Object[] { folderName} ) ); } super.setName (folderName); } /** Adds properties for sorting. * @return the augmented property sheet */ protected Sheet createSheet () { Sheet s = super.createSheet (); Sheet.Set ss = new Sheet.Set (); ss.setName (SET_SORTING); ss.setDisplayName (DataObject.getString ("PROP_sorting")); ss.setShortDescription (DataObject.getString ("HINT_sorting")); Node.Property p; p = new PropertySupport.ReadWrite ( PROP_SORT_MODE, SortMode.class, DataObject.getString("PROP_sort"), DataObject.getString("HINT_sort") ) { public Object getValue () { return DataFolder.this.getSortMode (); } public void setValue (Object o) throws InvocationTargetException { try { DataFolder.this.setSortMode ((SortMode)o); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new InvocationTargetException (ex); } } public java.beans.PropertyEditor getPropertyEditor () { return new SortModeEditor (); } }; ss.put (p); s.put (ss); return s; } /** New type for creating new subfolder. * @return array with one element */ public NewType[] getNewTypes () { if (getPrimaryFile ().isReadOnly ()) { // no new types return new NewType[0]; } else { return new NewType[] { new NewFolder () }; } } /** Look for one or more nodes with data object cookie in this transferable. * @param t the transferable to probe * @param actions copy-style or move-style * @return a list of data objects (nonempty), or <code>null</code> if these are not present */ private DataObject[] findDataObjectsInTransferable (Transferable t, int actions) { Node[] nodes = NodeTransfer.nodes (t, actions); //System.err.println ("NodeTransfer.nodes=" + nodes); if (nodes == null) return null; //System.err.println ("nodes: " + nodes.length); //for (int i1 = 0; i1 < nodes.length; i1++) // System.err.println ("\t" + nodes[i1].getDisplayName ()); DataObject[] dobs = new DataObject[nodes.length]; for (int i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { DataObject dob = (DataObject) nodes[i].getCookie (DataObject.class); if (dob == null) return null; else dobs[i] = dob; } return dobs; } /** May add some paste types for objects being added to folders. * May move data objects; copy them; create links for them; instantiate * them as templates; serialize instances; or create instance data objects * from instances, according to the abilities of the transferable. * * @param t transferable to use * @param s list of {@link PasteType}s */ protected void createPasteTypes (Transferable t, java.util.List s) { super.createPasteTypes (t, s); if (!getPrimaryFile ().isReadOnly ()) { boolean ok; int i; // Permit moving of multiple objects, provided that they all declare themselves movable. DataObject[] objs = findDataObjectsInTransferable (t, NodeTransfer.MOVE); if (objs != null) { //System.err.println ("Got movable objs: " + objs.length); //for (int i1 = 0; i1 < objs.length; i1++) // System.err.println ("\t" + objs[i1].getName ()); ok = true; for (i = 0; i < objs.length; i++) { if (! objs[i].isMoveAllowed ()) { ok = false; break; } } //System.err.println ("[move] ok=" + ok); if (ok) { // add move paste type, the type then clears clipboard s.add (new Paste ("PT_move", objs, true, "move") { // NOI18N public void handle (DataObject obj2) throws IOException { obj2.move (DataFolder.this); } }); } } // Now try copy-style pastes. // [PENDING] should NodeTransfer.COPY be used instead? objs = findDataObjectsInTransferable (t, NodeTransfer.CLIPBOARD_COPY); if (objs != null) { //System.err.println ("Got copyable objs: " + objs.length); //for (int i2 = 0; i2 < objs.length; i2++) // System.err.println ("\t" + objs[i2].getName ()); ok = true; for (i = 0; i < objs.length; i++) { if (! objs[i].isCopyAllowed ()) { ok = false; break; } } //System.err.println ("[copy] ok=" + ok); if (ok) { // copy all objects to this folder s.add (new Paste ("PT_copy", objs, false, "copy") { // NOI18N public void handle (DataObject obj2) throws IOException { obj2.copy (DataFolder.this); } }); } ok = true; for (i = 0; i < objs.length; i++) { if (! objs[i].isTemplate ()) { ok = false; break; } } //System.err.println ("[template] ok=" + ok); if (ok) { // instantiate template(s) with default name s.add (new Paste ("PT_instantiate", objs, false, "instantiate") { // NOI18N public void handle (DataObject obj2) throws IOException { obj2.createFromTemplate (DataFolder.this); } }); } ok = true; for (i = 0; i < objs.length; i++) { if (! objs[i].isShadowAllowed ()) { ok = false; break; } } //System.err.println ("[shadow] ok=" + ok); if (ok) { // instantiate template s.add (new Paste ("PT_shadow", objs, false, "shadow") { // NOI18N public void handle (DataObject obj2) throws IOException { obj2.createShadow (DataFolder.this); } }); } } // These should only accept single-node transfers, since they require dialogs. Node node = NodeTransfer.node (t, NodeTransfer.CLIPBOARD_COPY); // lastly try special cookies if (node != null) { try { InstanceCookie cookie = (InstanceCookie)node.getCookie (InstanceCookie.class); if (cookie != null && java.io.Serializable.class.isAssignableFrom (cookie.instanceClass ())) { s.add (new SerializePaste (cookie)); s.add (new InstantiatePaste (cookie)); } } catch (IOException e) { } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { } } } } } // end of FolderNode /** New type for creation of new folder. */ private final class NewFolder extends NewType { /** Display name for the creation action. This should be * presented as an item in a menu. * * @return the name of the action */ public String getName() { return DataObject.getString ("CTL_NewFolder"); } /** Help context for the creation action. * @return the help context */ public HelpCtx getHelpCtx() { return new HelpCtx (NewFolder.class); } /** Create the object. * @exception IOException if something fails */ public void create () throws IOException { NotifyDescriptor.InputLine input = new NotifyDescriptor.InputLine ( DataObject.getString ("CTL_NewFolderName"), DataObject.getString ("CTL_NewFolderTitle") ); input.setInputText (DataObject.getString ("CTL_NewFolderValue")); if (TopManager.getDefault ().notify (input) == NotifyDescriptor.OK_OPTION) { String folderName = input.getInputText (); if ("".equals (folderName)) return; // empty name = cancel // NOI18N FileObject folder = getPrimaryFile (); int dotPos = -1; while ((dotPos = folderName.indexOf (".")) != -1) { // NOI18N String subFolder = folderName.substring (0, dotPos); folderName = folderName.substring (dotPos + 1); FileObject existingFile = folder.getFileObject (subFolder); if (existingFile != null) { if (!existingFile.isFolder ()) { TopManager.getDefault ().notify ( new NotifyDescriptor.Message ( java.text.MessageFormat.format (DataObject.getString ("MSG_FMT_FileExists"), new Object[] { subFolder, folder.getName () }), NotifyDescriptor.WARNING_MESSAGE ) ); return; } folder = existingFile; } else { if (!Utilities.isJavaIdentifier (subFolder)) { throw new IOException( java.text.MessageFormat.format (getString("EXC_WrongName"), new Object[] { subFolder } ) ); } folder = folder.createFolder (subFolder); } } if (!"".equals (folderName)) { // NOI18N FileObject existingFile = folder.getFileObject (folderName); if (existingFile != null) { if (existingFile.isFolder ()) { TopManager.getDefault ().notify ( new NotifyDescriptor.Message ( java.text.MessageFormat.format (DataObject.getString ("MSG_FMT_FolderExists"), new Object[] { folderName, folder.getName () }), NotifyDescriptor.INFORMATION_MESSAGE ) ); } else { TopManager.getDefault ().notify ( new NotifyDescriptor.Message ( java.text.MessageFormat.format (DataObject.getString ("MSG_FMT_FileExists"), new Object[] { folderName, folder.getName () }), NotifyDescriptor.WARNING_MESSAGE ) ); } return; } if (!Utilities.isJavaIdentifier (folderName)) { throw new IOException( java.text.MessageFormat.format (getString("EXC_WrongName"), new Object[] { folderName} ) ); } DataObject created = DataObject.find(folder.createFolder (folderName)); if (created != null) { TopManager.getDefault().getLoaderPool().fireOperationEvent( new OperationEvent.Copy (created, DataFolder.this), OperationEvent.TEMPL ); } } } } } /** Paste types for data objects. */ private abstract class Paste extends PasteType { private String resName; private DataObject[] objs; private boolean clearClipboard; private String helpCtxSuffix; /** @param resName resource name for the name * @param objs objects to work with * @param clear true if we should clear clipboard * @param helpCtxSuffix extra info token for context help */ public Paste (String resName, DataObject[] objs, boolean clear, String helpCtxSuffix) { this.resName = resName; this.objs = objs; this.clearClipboard = clear; this.helpCtxSuffix = helpCtxSuffix; //System.err.println ("Creating paste: resName=" + resName + " objs.length=" + objs.length); } /** The name is obtained from the bundle. * @return the name */ public String getName () { return DataObject.getString (resName); } public HelpCtx getHelpCtx () { return new HelpCtx (Paste.class.getName () + "." + helpCtxSuffix); // NOI18N } /** Paste. */ public final Transferable paste () throws IOException { for (int i = 0; i < objs.length; i++) handle (objs[i]); // clear clipboard or preserve content return clearClipboard ? ExTransferable.EMPTY : null; } /** Handles the right action * @param obj the data object to operate on */ protected abstract void handle (DataObject obj) throws IOException; } /** Paste types for data objects. */ private final class SerializePaste extends PasteType { private InstanceCookie cookie; /** * @param obj object to work with */ public SerializePaste (InstanceCookie cookie) { this.cookie = cookie; } /** The name is obtained from the bundle. * @return the name */ public String getName () { return DataObject.getString ("PT_serialize"); } public HelpCtx getHelpCtx () { return new HelpCtx (SerializePaste.class); } /** Paste. */ public final Transferable paste () throws IOException { String name = cookie.instanceName (); int i = name.lastIndexOf ('.') + 1; if (i != 0 && i != name.length ()) { name = name.substring (i); } name = FileUtil.findFreeFileName (getPrimaryFile (), name, "ser"); // NOI18N final NotifyDescriptor.InputLine nd = new NotifyDescriptor.InputLine ( DataObject.getString ("SerializeBean_Text"), DataObject.getString ("SerializeBean_Title") ); nd.setInputText (name); if (NotifyDescriptor.OK_OPTION == TopManager.getDefault ().notify (nd)) { getPrimaryFile ().getFileSystem ().runAtomicAction (new FileSystem.AtomicAction () { public void run () throws IOException { FileObject fo = getPrimaryFile ().createData (nd.getInputText (), "ser"); // NOI18N FileLock lock = fo.lock (); ObjectOutputStream oos = null; try { oos = new ObjectOutputStream ( new java.io.BufferedOutputStream (fo.getOutputStream (lock)) ); oos.writeObject (cookie.instanceCreate ()); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new IOException (e.getMessage ()); } finally { if (oos != null) oos.close (); lock.releaseLock (); } } }); } // preserve clipboard return null; } } /** Paste types for data objects. */ private final class InstantiatePaste extends PasteType { private InstanceCookie cookie; /** * @param obj object to work with */ public InstantiatePaste (InstanceCookie cookie) { this.cookie = cookie; } /** The name is obtained from the bundle. * @return the name */ public String getName () { return DataObject.getString ("PT_instance"); } public HelpCtx getHelpCtx () { return new HelpCtx (InstantiatePaste.class); } /** Paste. */ public final Transferable paste () throws IOException { String name = cookie.instanceName (); final NotifyDescriptor.InputLine nd = new NotifyDescriptor.InputLine ( DataObject.getString ("InstanceClass_Text"), DataObject.getString ("InstanceClass_Title") ); nd.setInputText (name); if (NotifyDescriptor.OK_OPTION == TopManager.getDefault ().notify (nd)) { name = nd.getInputText (); if (name.equals ("")) { // NOI18N name = null; } try { // create the instance InstanceDataObject.create (DataFolder.this, name, cookie.instanceClass ()); } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) { throw new IOException (ex.getMessage ()); } } // preserve clipboard return null; } } } /* * Log * 19 Gandalf 11/12/98 Jaroslav Tulach * 18 Gandalf 11/09/98 Ian Formanek * 17 Gandalf 11/05/98 Jaroslav Tulach Special properties for * Folder. * 16 Gandalf 11/05/98 Jaroslav Tulach Sorting and ordering of * DataFolders. * * 15 Gandalf 11/04/98 Jaroslav Tulach * 14 Gandalf 11/03/98 Jaroslav Tulach * 13 Gandalf 10/30/98 Jaroslav Tulach * 12 Gandalf 10/30/98 Jaroslav Tulach * 11 Tuborg 1.10 10/26/98 Ian Formanek Context Help updated * 10 Tuborg 1.9 10/08/98 Jaroslav Tulach Rename, delete, new * disabled on read only * folders. * * 9 Tuborg 1.8 09/30/98 Ian Formanek Enhanced "paste-if-exists" * functionality - the "_1" * suffix is added to the * existing name. * 8 Tuborg 1.7 08/21/98 Jaroslav Tulach serialVersionUID + compiles * 7 Tuborg 1.6 08/21/98 Jaroslav Tulach serialVersionUID * 6 Tuborg 1.5 07/28/98 Petr Hamernik search cookie - hierarchy * 5 Tuborg 1.4 07/22/98 Petr Hamernik Search cookie first * implementation * 4 Tuborg 1.3 06/28/98 Jaroslav Tulach Delete allowed for nonroot * fodlers. * * 3 Tuborg 1.2 06/22/98 Petr Hamernik bugfix 235 * 2 Tuborg 1.1 06/15/98 Ian Formanek * 1 Tuborg 1.0 06/11/98 David Peroutka * $ * Beta Change History: * 0 Tuborg 1.00 --/--/98 Jaroslav Tulach Total redesign * 0 Tuborg 1.01 --/--/98 Jaroslav Tulach copy operation works * 0 Tuborg 1.02 --/--/98 Jaroslav Tulach rename operation * 0 Tuborg 1.03 --/--/98 Petr Hamernik compilation * 0 Tuborg 1.04 --/--/98 Jan Formanek help context * 0 Tuborg 1.05 --/--/98 Jan Formanek reflecting changes in cookies */